No matter what you're using your mat for-- warm ups, cool downs, pilates or even actual yoga-- it should be cleaned on a regular basis. Not only is this extremely rejuvenating and cleansing, but a sanitary measure that is going to be even more necessary in the coming Summer months. More sweat, new smells and a new semester as Miss Fit Academy will have your mats putting in work, so keep them clean and smelling fresh with some our favorite DIY mat cleansing mixtures! Just mix your ingredients in a small spray bottle and you're ready to go!
Small spray bottle (2 – 4 ounces will do)
Distilled or spring water (3/4 of the spray bottle)
2 drops lemon essential oil
1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil
Optional – witch hazel or white vinegar (fill 1/4 of the spray bottle). If using either of these, add a few more drops of essential oils to combat the strong aroma.
A spray bottle
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 cup witch hazel
2 1/2 cups water
1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup Witch Hazel (without alcohol) White vinegar can also be substituted.
15 drops Melaleuca essential oil. Melaleuca has been documented to kill many bacteria, viruses, and fungi on contact.
10 drops of another essential oil of choice. Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Lemongrass essential oils also contain antibacterial properties.
Spray bottle
16oz water
5 oz witch hazel
10 drops peppermint essential oil
6 drops lavender essential oil
6 drops eucalyptus essential oil
1 part witch hazel or white vinegar
3 parts filtered water
10 Drops Hawaiian Sandalwood Essential Oil
10 Drops Orange Essential Oil
5 - 10 Drops Tea Tree Oil
Creating your own natural DIY yoga mat cleaner is an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to keep your mat fresh and germ-free. You can make a simple yet effective cleaner using ingredients like above. Shake well before each use and lightly spray your mat after every session, wiping it down with a clean cloth. These natural solutions not only eliminate bacteria and odors but also avoid the harsh chemicals found in commercial cleaners, ensuring a toxin-free yoga mat.
Obviously, yoga mat cleaners are very important because sweet fragrances stay us active and we can do focus on our yoga properly. Due to this last week, I got a set of lavender oil along with all accessories from now I saw also a good discount on your store now I am thinking to buy tea tree oil from your store.