Curious about what to expect and how to get through your first pole dance class? These 5 tips will help you have the best experience possible as you embark on your pole dancing journey!
Five tips for your first pole dancing class
Tip 1: You’re Learning the Basics, No Need to Be Strong
Start where you are, not where you want to be. You do not have to be Wonder Woman with arms and abs of steel to take Pole Dance 101, but attending is the first step to obtaining that super powered bod. So what will you learn? Pole Dance 101 consists of learning beginner tricks (some moves even allow you to still have your toes touch the floor), a little flirtatious floorplay, and conditioning to help prepare you for pole sits. Beginner pole dance class is exactly what it is called, beginner. This is the first step to reaching your high flying, spinning goals.
Tip 2: No Pro Moves
You may have high flying, super cool spinning dreams and goals...but that’s exactly what they are, goals. Don’t expect to see your favorite pole dancer’s moves in this class. You probably won’t see those moves until you’ve reached at least level 104 or 105. And don’t let the upper classes scare you away either. Those students stood right where you are now; never touched a pole and no experience. You have to start somewhere so why not start at the beginning.
Tip 3: Go at Your Own Pace & Don’t Expect Perfection
Keep in mind that this is your first class. Just because it is a beginner class doesn’t mean you will execute every single move perfectly on the first try. This is a new experience and learning new things takes time. This is why we encourage you to go at your own pace during the class. Only do what you feel comfortable doing. If you didn’t get a move the first class, go ahead and sign up for the next Pole 101 Dance class.
Tip 4: Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Comparing yourself to the other students in the class, or looking in the mirror feeling incapable, does not help make class the fun experience it should be. Everyone in the room is in the same boat; no experience, brand new, and learning. This is a judgement free zone. Once you accept that this is a chance to relax and gain a new skill, you’ll have the time of your life.
Tip 5: Wear the Right Clothes
Wear shorts, leggings or whatever you feel most comfortable in and feel free to show off your sultry side if that suits you - it not, it's OK. It won’t come out immediately, it may take time, but once you let loose, that’s when the classes become more enjoyable.
Don't forget to have fun and most importantly, enjoy the process! Pole dancing is not only a fantastic workout but also a form of self-expression. Embrace the sensuality and creativity that come with it. If you think you’re ready to start your pole dance journey, book your first class at Miss Fit Academy and let the adventure begin!